Friday, November 7, 2008


Obama wins!!! I celebrated at the Roadhouse BBQ and Bar from 9am-11am to watch the results as the polls were closing back home. Friends were buying rounds of beer early in the morning to celebrate and I couldn't have asked for a better place to enjoy the company of fellow Americans in Thailand. I wore my "Bangkok for Barack" shirt with glee.

I am proud of:

p1. North Carolina votes for a democrat president for the first time in 32 years with Jimmy Carter. Yay Barack Obama!

2. North Carolina has a female governor for the first time in history. Yay Bev Perdue!

3. North Carolina has a democrat senator for the first time in at least 30 years. I'm sorry madam dolie. Yay Kay Hagan!

Times they are a-changing. I'm so sorry Uncle Rick! I love you!


Andrew said...

But the democratic party would like to denounce Edwards for the extramarital affair he concealed while attempting to run for president. Therefore, Hagan might be the first :)

Thailand Medical Travel said...

The best way to contact American expatriates in Thailand.