Satan, you ask? Well seeing as how everything over here in the Kingdom is so cheap, how could I resist a bootleg copy of Diablo 2 with the Lord of Destruction expansion included! All of this excitement was spurned by the much awaited (at least in my life) announcement of pre-production for Diablo 3. Nicholas boys, it's going to be a good reunion in about 2 years when it finally comes out.
But I digress. This past weekend was my first time just sticking around Bangkok, and what a great decision it was! Every year the American Chamber of Commerce (affectionately: AmCham) hosts a blowout Fourth of July Party. On the grounds of the Port Authority of Thailand, Americans came out of the woodwork for this super-patriotic abroad experience.
There were American soldiers, the US Ambassador to Thailand, rock music, burgers, burritos, baby back ribs, Budweiser, face painting, and naturally, fireworks at the end of the day. I was able to register for my absentee ballot there, and for a small donation I received a "Bangkok for Barack" t-shirt (oops, I didn't mean to give away my affiliation). The festivities were a ton of fun, even when it came to overhearing the occassional "what up bro" which brought back a warm sense of nostalgia. ~*sigh*~
I should mention that I got AMERICA painted on my back with the ol' Stars and Bars and an Eagle biting the head off of a snake. We danced into the night, feasting, and causing quite a commotion.