Back from the beach, we celebrated Thanksgiving! I was expecting rice and more rice, but our friends spent all afternoon cooking the most incredible Thanksgiving dinner at our friend Amber's apartment downtown from the cranberry sauce to the stuffing to the corn cobs to the sweet potatoes. It was the most delicious meal and it was so fun to be with so many friends in a fancy western-style apartment with a sofa for the evening.

On Saturday I went to Cambodia! My student visa expired November 30 because that's when my official study abroad program ended at KMUTT, so I had to go to Cambodia to get a tourist visa. I called the Immigration Burreau to see if I could get a new visa there, but they told me to drive to the border. Very funny. Either way, the Kingdom of Cambodia was great for the 30 minutes I spent there before taking my van back. Thanks ThaiVisaRun.Com!
I bought tons of Christmas presents for my family at the Chatuchak Weekend Market on Sunday... very successful indeed. This upcoming week I'm going on a pretty wild adventure: scuba diving in one of the top ten dive sites in the entire world... stay tuned!
Note: Our friend and advisor P. Mee called Angela Friday night after the airports were closed--
P. Mee: Angera? I think perhaps you should not go into Bangkok tonight.
Angela: What? We're actually already in town, why?
P. Mee: I think perhaps there is going to be a revolution.
Angela: ...okay?