Friday, November 7, 2008


Obama wins!!! I celebrated at the Roadhouse BBQ and Bar from 9am-11am to watch the results as the polls were closing back home. Friends were buying rounds of beer early in the morning to celebrate and I couldn't have asked for a better place to enjoy the company of fellow Americans in Thailand. I wore my "Bangkok for Barack" shirt with glee.

I am proud of:

p1. North Carolina votes for a democrat president for the first time in 32 years with Jimmy Carter. Yay Barack Obama!

2. North Carolina has a female governor for the first time in history. Yay Bev Perdue!

3. North Carolina has a democrat senator for the first time in at least 30 years. I'm sorry madam dolie. Yay Kay Hagan!

Times they are a-changing. I'm so sorry Uncle Rick! I love you!